Tours Rio de Janeiro Tours Rio de Janeiro Tours Rio de Janeiro

« Discover the Botanical Garden Tour of Rio »

« Discover the Botanical Garden Tour of Rio »

« Discover the Botanical Garden Tour of Rio »

Go to the Jardim de Alah metro station (exit B)

Visite jardin Botanique de Rio

An exceptional visit for lovers of gardens and flowers. The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden is considered one of the richest and most important in the world. For those who will not be satisfied, you have the nearby Parque Lage.

Jardin Botanique

Fondé en 1808 par D. João, alors prince régent du Portugal, le Jardin botanique de Rio de Janeiro est célèbre pour l'exubérance et l'importance de ses collections végétales, ainsi que la beauté de ses paysages. Son histoire bicentenaire s'exprime dans ses monuments, édifices et œuvres d'art.

Jardin Botanique

Visitors can walk or take an electric car through the alleys and see plants from different countries, visit the greenhouses (Orchids, Bromeliads, Ferns and Insectivorous Plants) and thematic gardens and collections, such as the Japanese Garden, created in 1935 thanks to the donation of 65 specimens of typical Japanese plants.

Jardin Botanique

Among the monuments, stand out the Visitors' Center - a 16th century construction, the statues of Echo and Narcissus by Mestre Valentim, and the Portal de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts, designed by Grandjean de Montigny. The garden is also a good place for bird watching.

Address & Schedule

Rua Jardim Botânico, 1008, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

  • Monday - 12 pm to 5 pm
  • Tuesday to Sunday - 8 am to 5 pm

What's included

  • English speaking guide
  • Visit of Botanical Garden - 9 am to 11 am
  • Ticket for entry to the Botanical Garden
  • Photos Service

What's not included

  • Lunch